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About Seneca Chapter, NSDAR

Seneca Chapter, NSDAR, enjoys a deep history in Geneva, New York, and the surrounding areas. We celebrated our 125th anniversary in October 2018.


Our membership is engaged in various aspects of the DAR mission, particularly service to veterans, genealogy, history and preservation, conservation of the environment, and the education of each across all of these areas.


We're always looking for more women to join us in these areas or help us expand our horizons in new ways!


Learn more about us and our chapter's history by exploring the options to the right.

A selection from the minutes of one of Seneca Chapter, NSDAR's earliest meetings, July 4, 1893.

There are a variety of ways members can actively contribute to the DAR and Seneca Chapter. Chapter members all over the country demonstrate their commitment to our veterans each year - even those women who are unable to meet with us in person.

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